A dear friend and client recently transitioned. I thought I would share something I wrote to her before she passed.
I first met Norma at an art show where she displayed her refined sculptures, but I was familiar with her profound teachings long before that. My mother had taken Norma’s “Negative to Positive” class many times and listened to Norma’s healing CD “A Unique Meditation Experience” every morning. I practically knew it by heart.
A year passed before I saw Norma again. At 88 yrs. she published her first book, “The Miracle Years” and was told she needed a website. She had no idea what that was so she did what she always did. She asked God for guidance.
The following day Norma called and said I had come to her in a dream. She asked if I knew what a website was and if I could build one for her. I had made my own website but had never built one for someone else. I told her I would try, and that began our mutual love affair.
Four years later, Norma and her beloved daughter came to my mother’s 97th birthday party. They arrived after everyone left, which gave the four of us some quality time together. True to form, Norma was beautifully groomed and concerned about our hurricane preparations. We all parted with warm hugs.
The following morning Norma suffered a stroke with serious consequences. While in Hospice care, I sent the following letter to her devoted daughter who read it to Norma several times before she gently transitioned.
Dear lovely Norma,
We are more than friends, more than spiritual sisters. We are family. I love you dearly and am forever grateful you came into my life when you did. You live in my heart now and nothing that changes in either of our journeys will ever change that.
God loves all his children well, but he chose you for a special mission. He chose you because of your beautiful evolved soul, your expanded radiant heart and your profound depth of insight into humanity. He chose you because of your generous kind nature and your ability to lift others. He chose you to stand in his place like a cosmic mirror reflecting the light of truth, so in the purity of your presence people can see their real purpose as souls incarnated on Earth.
And you my darling friend have fulfilled your mission so well, planting celestial seeds of understanding that continue to flower in the countless lives who have awakened and transformed from your nourishing healing CD, your heartfelt book, your enriching metaphysical classes and your day-to-day teachings on the power of the mind and the importance of being positive. You have given and given and given like the regal graceful warrior light-healer you are. Can you feel all the gratitude surrounding you?
When the time comes for God to open his loving arms to call you home, he is planning a big celebration to welcome you with all your dear ones ready to embrace your glowing essence as choirs of angels sing in your honor. If you listen closely you may hear them now, readying for the return of one of divinity’s favorite metaphysical teachers of light, the strong, courageous, golden-hearted Dr. Norma Locker.